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Day 36 - Rest & Explore Day in Sarria


Rest & explore isn't the best description. Other than a short walk to the pharmacy for a little ointment for my shin splints, I literally didn't go further than 2 blocks from my albergue. I sat at a Camino trail-side bar/restaurant to ice my leg, and meet & greet fellow pilgrims as they passed by. It was definitely relaxing. I'll simply let my pictures do the talking.

I'm excited to be done with this phase of my journey, as the next phase is a 5-day journey into Santiago, which is the 'prize' destination of the Camino, to visit the remains of St James the Apostle, who is buried in the Cathedral. But more of that in my next post!

In the meantime, REST day in Sarria. I wish I would have gotten pictures with everyone I chatted with, but I was just so comfortable that I often forgot!

Watching pilgrims make their way out of town starting their journey to Santiago. It was raining, so good thing I was staying in town.

Nursing my shin splints with ice, a snack, and of course a cold cerveza!

My first sighting of Tahitha coming down the trail, past the bar.

I'm so glad Tahitha accepted my invitation to sit down and chat. Such an inspiring story that a blind person can walk the Camino! GIRL RISING!

Octopus and vino tinto! The Octopus was actually pretty tasty!

Visiting with my fellow pilgrim Tahena. She recognized me and stopped to say high. She was the volunteer that helped out in the very first albergue I stayed in, just over a month ago in St Jean Pied de Port. It was great to catch up!

Rick & Birgit from Maine. We had a nice chat about the Camino. Rick was recently retired from his dental practice after having a quadruple bypass surgery. Walking the Camino and other hikes have changed his life. Birgit is a consultant that's close to retiring. I tried to convince her that it was the best thing ever! Buen Camino!

My alburgue, just 2 short blocks to the bar.

The patio bar where I spent my REST day in Sarria.

Time for bed. Ready for the next phase of the journey on to Santiago!


1 Kommentar

Unknown member
14. Mai 2023

What a splendid and special day!

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