This won't be much of an update. It was a bit of a lazy Sunday in Lograno. I spent a good portion of the morning in my alburge catching up on my blog post updates, which makes me feel good as I enjoy providing updates, and I can rest easy knowing that I'm not behind as I start off tomorrow morning for 5 days of hiking in a row. With this update, I'll be completely caught up, rested, and ready for the next phase of my journey.
Later in the morning, I wandered across the river one block from my alburgue, and walked 10 minutes or so to the outside market. I was hoping it was going to be more of an outdoor food market, but it turned out to be primarily clothing, probably the length of 2 football fields on both sides, so it was a little disappointing as I don't need anything else to put in my suitcase. I did find 2 stands that fit the bill, one where I bought a sugary chocolate eclair, and a croissant stuffed with chorizo, which I ate as I wandered the market. At another, I bought more chorizo sausage, cheese, and a mixture of spicy pickles, peppers, and olives. I then walked back towards my alburgue where I found a bottle of wine at a local shop. I proceeded to the city center square near the cathedral, where people were slowly gathering at the cafes and a makeshift antiques & gadgets market. I ate my late breakfast/early lunch on a bench near the center fountain and did some people watching.
Back to my alburgue for some more updating of my blog, re-arranging my gear (I had to move to a different room) and a short rest.
Then it was back out to the city center for more wandering around. The crowd was starting to gather for the evening rush, so the energy was rising. I had a nice chat with a woman from Canada who was continuing her second/delayed stage of the Camino in Lograno, where we shared stories of our experience, and then wished each other "Buen Camino!" as we parted ways. A somewhat failed attempt at a group FaceTime with my buddies back home followed - it was good to face connect with at least 2 of the group, share my journey, and get caught up.
Off to dinner where I enjoyed a spicy squid sandwich, mini hamburger patties, fries, sauteed jalapeno peppers, and of course a beer, ok maybe two. You know you're in the right place when you're dining with the older, local crowd.
Back to the alburguej, this last final blog update and bed. Need to be rested up for still yet another record hike tomorrow morning, almost 19 miles.
A few pics from the day.....
The outdoor market.

Back and forth across the Ebro River. There was some type of boat race happening,

Some colorful graffiti along the way,

Late breakfast/early lunch in the city square.

More to come....the last of my pictures are slow to upload to the cloud. Time for bed!
Bill, your Vegas training team set the over/under on you surviving the Camino at 14 days so the 19 miles might be the clincher? Grind it out. TP
So much fun reading about your journey, Bill. Keep it up pilgrim! Cold beverages await your return to Lake Ida. Be safe and healthy
You’re doing great! Keep up your great work, both hiking and writing!! 👏
Good luck on the 19 today! I have enjoyed following your Journey. I’m assuming you’ll be ready to take your own group of pilgrims back for another journey when you are done?!
Bill - you are an inspiration! Keep it up! I’m with you!